Tuesday 1 December 2015

Christmas Wish List

I've been having a sort out of my life recently and get out of my comfort zone, in terms of fashion.  I've been trying out different things that look nice and compliment my body type. One thing I have found that has fit this criteria is skater dresses for my formal events. These dresses are also great because they can be for any occasion really, throw on some converse and you've got yourself a casual outfit.

(Source: Pinterest)

I would also love to receive some different colour skater skirts as I only currently own one black one. The good things with these skirts, just like skater dresses, is that they can be casual by day and then formal/classy by night. If I'm honest with you, wearing skater skirts makes me feel very 'Tumblr'. 

Sticking on the subject of changing my style and finding clothes I feel comfortable in; my next item is skinny jeans. I was put off wearing skinny jeans and jeans for a long time because of something I got told when I was younger. I was told that I was too fat to wear them and things along them lines and that has  always stuck in my mind, and I did honestly believe it myself. But recently, I've had much more body confidence meaning I wanted to try out skinny jeans and god do I love them! They're cooler than leggings but not as 'girly' as skirts, just a nice inbetween. 

Just quickly on the subject of clothes still, I think jumpers look so so so cute and are a great winter look.

Moving on to the expensive section of the list (disclaimer: these are just things i would like to receive not things I am) is something I have seen quite a lot of people have, and that is a Polaroid camera.
I think my love of Polaroid cameras started on my birthday when my auntie gave me a Polaroid of me and my best friend, which I thought was just so cute. Since then I have gain another one of myself and Vicki cosplaying as the Mario Bros, I have also ordered a few Polaroids from an app called Poligram, in which you can order you Instagram photos as Polaroids. I would really love to get my own camera so I can stop ordering them and asking people for them so I can take my own!

This next bit is probably the most obvious thing in my wish list since I do call myself "That Obsessed British Fangirl" and that thing is merchandise. By merchandise I don't mean just one person, I literally mean any YouTuber/band/singer I love, weather it is: shirts, or wristbands, or jumpers, or literally anything I will love it and I will love you even more for getting it me. For my last birthday my friend gave me the JLS tour DVD and I screamed at her with excitement and that isn't me exaggerating the story, I actually screamed. So if you know a fangirl, getting them merch is always a safe bet as they will exploded with feels.

And finally the thing I have wanted for years, the thing I hope will replace my crappy BlackBerry Bold 9900 that I currently own, an IPhone 5C! I've never actually owned a IPhone before I have always had Nokias and BlackBerrys. My current phone can hardly send texts and receive calls never mind do anything on the internet or anything it's supposed to do. I do own an IPod 4th Gen and an IPad 2 and they just run so smooth so I know getting an IPhone a good decision. Do you know how hard it is being a full time internet hobo and not be able to use to internet outside your home, not being able to show you non-existent social life on snapchat, not being able to put pictures of your StarBucks coffee on Instagram, not being able to read gay smut in public, not being able to stalk the bae all the time, it is truly a difficult life. Also my BlackBerry doesn't have a front camera for my selfie game, can you hear my heart breaking?

Jonna x 
That Obsessed British Fangirl

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Doctor Who: The Doctor is Dying

Dear Doctor Who writers,

For the love of God, please stop making your episodes/series plot twists that the Doctor is dying!

This has happened with every single Doctor in new Who, apart from nine.

(my knowledge only ranges from a few Classic Who episodes but I am new Who af)

It started off with David Tennant's Doc, he is dying, knock four times, the Master. Okay, fine, that was the first time very dramatic, no big deal. It then happened again with Matt Smith's Doctor. In the entire sixth season, he is trying to escape death. Along with lots of confusing plot twists including the identity of River Song. Fast forward to present day and series nine of Who, where it seems in every episode, so far, the doctor is dying.

Episode one of season nine: confessional dial! Surprise!! The Doctor thinks he is going to die.
Episode two: The Doctor is trapped with the Davros and the Darleks, is he going to die!? Obviously not.
Episode three: The Doctor is a ghost!! How does he die?!?!
Episode four: How will the Doctor escape death, again?! 

Please stop recycling this predictable plot twist. Anyone with a brain is aware that the Doctor, the main character of Doctor Who, is not going to die. Especially at the start of the new season. 

This being said, Doctor Who is still a fantastic show and a British treasure. It can be predictable but hopefully that's nothing a new show writer can't shake up. 

Wednesday 12 August 2015

My Name

I think it's about time I sit down with a cup of tea and tell you how the very British girl got her very usual and foreign name.

If you didn't know, my name is Jonna and is pronounced as Yon-nah. My name is Finnish (can also be Danish or Swedish), explaining why the j is pronounced as a Y, and for some reason, my parents didn't want to translate my name into English, the language that we and our country speak.

The reason behind my name

This is a story told to me by my dear mother. My mum's name is Julie, a very common name. Growing up my mum had at least four Julies in her class and everywhere she went she would meet a Julie. So my mother wanted her child to have a very usual and very uncommon name so they wouldn't have to go through what she went through. My mum found the name through a woman she had met and befriended while travelling, her name was Jonna and she was a fair-haired, nice girl from Finland. My parents always liked the name and decided that is what they would call me. I'm sorry there's not a more exciting reason behind my name, I'm just a plain old common white girl trash from a very northern, very British family.

Although I do moan about my name quite a lot and make jokes and although it does make this awkward person even more awkward, do quite like my name. I've never wanted to change it, not even the spelling. I don't know if it's my name or the type of person I am, not many people tend to forget my name. Many people will spell it wrong and may pronounce it wrong at the start, but they never forget it and I like that. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed a look behind my name.
Jonna x


Wednesday 5 August 2015

High School Musical

Do you remember that Disney film that came out in 2006? The one with the teenagers running around high school sing? Well, of course you do. Even if you're apart of the few people that have never seen High School Musical, you most likely have heard of it and have probably listened to one of the many songs from it. Today I am going to be finding out and sharing with you, is HSM really that good?

First things first, who and what is it about?

High School Musical is set in a very stereotypical American high school called East High in New Mexico. It revolves around a big group of teenagers who go to this school but the main six characters are: head of the basketball team, Troy Bolton who becomes very close to new girl, brainiac Gabriella Montez. You also have Troy's best friend and fellow team mate Chad Danforth who takes a shine the school's smart girl and Gabriella's new friend, Taylor McKessie. Last but certainly not least, the head of the drama club Sharpay Evans and her twin brother Ryan Evans. 

The Audience 

High School Musical was clearly based at a younger audience but from what I have found out pretty much anyone can enjoy it! Anyone can enjoy this film from a child to a teenager and even some adults. I think I am a perfect example of this, as from the moment I first saw this film when I was 6 years old I have loved and continue to love this film. I have watched this film countless times and I am still yet to be bored of it and I have noticed that I enjoy the songs now even more than indidnwhen I was younger. To move on to someone else so it's not just my biased opinion, my mother. I have sat down with my mum some many times to watch this films and she enjoys just as much as me. She loves the characters, the plot, the songs and even now still enjoys listening and singing to Breaking Free. 


I think the idea for HSM is so simple, yet so brilliant. It has taken features out from lots of different films and put it into one film that is suitable for children and all ages. All the actors fit sir characters
perfectly, the fashion is amazing and the songs are amazingly written. I think High School Musical is a film that will go down in history and if you haven't seen it yet, I 100% recommend it. But I do think the main reason that our generation loves this film so much is because we had the privilege to grow up with HSM 1,2 and 3. We have had the chance to go back and watch this film from different points in ours lives and each time having different understanding, viewpoints and appreciation of it. Not only did we grow with High School Musical, it grew with us with every film and that is what makes it so amazing and unique. 

 Jonna x

Thursday 4 June 2015

Gender Stereotypes

From the moment we are born we are put into gender stereotypes based off of our genitals: boy or girl. We expected to live our whole lives in a category assigned by a doctor, by a stranger, before we are even born.

If you're a girl, like myself, you are shoved into pink, pretty, room and put in skirts and dresses. You are expected to have long, beautiful, hair and a well made up face. From our earliest ages, we are given toys, such as Bratz and Barbies, that focus on fashion, makeup and hair. Girls aren't expected to play outside or play sports. It is almost like we're expected to look up to a Disney princess and want to be them and find our Prince Charming, our knight in shining armor, rather than to aspire to be something meaningful to the world and stand on our own two feet

And yes, I do have long hair and, I do wear make up and, I do wear pretty floaty skirts, but I don't do this because I was put in this category by a doctor or because society expects me to. I do this for me because this how I want to look. Don't be pressured into a category that you don't feel comfortable in and that you don't want to be in. If you don't want to be a girl, that's fine. If you don't want to be a boy, then that is fine. If you don't want to be either, that is also fine. Just don't be pressured into an identity that isn't really you.

Jonna x

Thursday 12 February 2015

My Top 5 Games

Over the years I have played many games over many consoles and many different genres of games, the following games are my favourites.

5. Grand Theft Auto 5
This is quite a recent game (late 2013) but already I love this game. My love first grew for this game when I brought the original Xbox with GTA Vice City and ever since I've enjoyed playing them. With every new game of Grand Theft Auto there are major improvements. This being the newest GTA and the most advanced game probably explains my love for it. My favourite feature of the game is GTA Online. Unlike most I prefer just to mess around than do mission and doing this with friends is a lot of fun! I also enjoy watching gamers (such as: Vannos and I AM WILDCAT) which says a lot about the game if you love watching others play it just as much and playing it yourself.
Console: Xbox 360

4. Roller Coaster Tycoon
Nobody will ever understand my love and bond with this game. It was probably my most played game from when i was younger. I remember sitting on the families huge crappy PC that didn't have wifi and being told off by my mum for spending so long on the computer (which I think my love for technology started) then pretending to go to bed just to sneak back on the computer. The point of the game is to create a theme park and meet the objectives you are given. My park were always, in my opinion, running smoothly. I recently re-brought the game to work on Windows 7 and even though it is an old game it still is amazing to play.
Console: PC

3. New Super Mario Bros
Mario includes some of my favourite video game characters ever! Every Mario game i have played, I have enjoyed all of them but this one has to be my all time favourite. Even though I sucked at this game I never gave up. I still never completed it though... I got up to world 8 i think and this one level i just couldn't get pass, I asked all my friends to help and then I'd run out of lives. I was even worse on the Wii version. To this day I still love Mario and I am cosplaying as Mario at Comic Con this Saturday, with my friends as Luigi and Peach!
Console: DS Lite

2. Animal Crossing: Wild World
This game was all i played with my friends when I went to Wales in a caravan and it (always) rained. My town was weed free, all my villagers loved me, I had every fruit the game had and I had rare flowers everywhere. We would spend hours exploring each others towns and i would always steal some fruit and flowers. Nintendo made a new AC for 3DS last year, which was the reason I brought a 3DS but although it was a fantastic game, the original will always hold a place in my heart.
Console: DS Lite/DSI

1. The Sims 3
When I first bought this game I got it for Nintendo Wii, which I now realise isn't anything compared to PC version but it was good enough for younger Jonna to play it non stop and run out of the room when one of my sims died... I liked it enough to make me save up and buy The Sims 3 for PC and then Pets, then Late Night and quite a few more... Even though I'm sure this game was the reason my laptop broke and now can't even manage the small job of playing YouTube videos, I still love it.
Console: PC

Jonna x

Saturday 17 January 2015

New Years Resolutions - 2015

Happy new year, I hope your year is filled with joy.

2015 is here, Christmas is in the past, it's time to start the year. 

I want this year to be different. I want to be happier, see more of the people who make me happy, spread the joy and feel overall more confident within my own skin. 

One thing I'd like to do this year is read more. This is probably quite a popular thing that people say but for me, starting my GCSEs, it's a quite important one. Last year, I kept starting books but then get distracted, and never seemed to finish them. So this year I would like to try and read at least 10 books or graphic novels. I've already bought my first book of the year, The Art Of Being A Grown Up by Grace Helbig.

The next thing I'd like to do is "redecorate my life". By this is mean change my surroundings and the things I wear. I'm definitely becoming a lot more confident in my own skin and I would like my outfits to reflect this. I would also particularly like to try and redecorate my room, or at the very least, declutter as I am a huge hoarder.
As I am officially starting my final year of GCSEs, I should probably start refining some skills and studying. As well as reading more, I'd also like to start writing more and hopefully that's what I can use this space for. Even if it's just the odd person reading my posts I would like to be more creative. This applies to filming and photography too. This will help with my media studies but it's also something that really interests me.

Here's the cliché "I want to be fitter this year" but I honestly do. I would like to lose some weight but that isn't the essential thing. 

Finally, I would like to see more of my friends. By this, I don't mean my school friends as I have no choice about seeing them, and I'm kind of stuck with them until I leave secondary school. I mean my internet friends, that I adore. This year I want to meet more of my internet friends, which I have already started when I met Alex and Kay on my birthday, and keep in touch with others. 

Here's hoping I can stick to these plans and make his my best year yet. Good luck with all your resolutions. 

Jonna x

Saturday 3 January 2015

Year in Reflection: 2014

So many exciting things have happened this year and it has honestly been the best year of my life, so far that is...

The thing that really started this year off with a bang was completing my New Years resolution and making a new YouTube channel. On January fourth, a day after my birthday, I uploaded my first video to my 2 subscribers.
I've met a lot of people this year online and even met some internet friends in real life. I became very close with my friend Vicki and despite the universe throwing us away from each other. We finally met in April and have seen each other many times since. I'm honestly so lucky to have found someone like her.

This now leads me on to meeting Emma Blackery, LukeIsNotSexy and BriBry! Vicki kindly found me tickets to go to upload tour one day before the show and I got to go my first YouTube event. One of the things that makes this even more special is that I met Vicki through Emma and her fuck you Google plus song.

Later in the year, my friend Zara added me to a Google Hangout group chat for a quick five-minute joke but they were so lovely and kind, they welcomed me in and now I am an official member of The Rabies Babies. I love them so much and I couldn't imagine life without them. I also went on to meeting another internet friend from this group, Zara. 

This year I have managed to meet quite a lot of celebrities, including Aston Merrygold from JLS, Olly Murs, Room 94 and Union J. YouTubers aside, these people are all my idols and the people that inspirer me to do the thing that I do. It was such an honour to finally get to meet them even though I might not have been able to say much to them. I will never forget any of these times.

Thank you for the love and support you have given to me throughout 2014. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Role on 2015!  

Friday 2 January 2015

The Fault In Our Stars | Review

Like most people recently I have seen the very popular film named The Fault In Our Stars, also like a lot of people I read the amazingly written and heart breaking book by John Green. With many films that have been made from books, there is always things that they miss out. Sometimes it's only small things that don't really matter and sometimes it is big things that matter to the story and/or the reader.

First thing first I loved the film it was amazing, brilliant, heart warming and heart breaking. I cried and cried. All I wanted to do was hug Hazel Grace and bring back the love of her life. Yes the book was even more emotional but unlike the film when I wanted to cry, I could put the book down step back and breath but you can't do that in the cinema it happens all at once and hits you right in the face. One thing that didn't help was the couple violently kissing next to me... 

The Swing Set.
In the book, there is a whole bit where Hazel is crying and rings Gus a tells him that she is staring at the swing set and its upsetting her because she can't use it and it's just sitting there. He rushes round and together out a very cleverly word advert up for someone to take the swing set. In the film you see Grace ringing Gus not as sad as she was in the book and then it's the next scene. By the end of the film after Augustus passes away her and Isaac are sitting in her garden next to where the swing set was but it was gone. There was no explanation to why the swing set was gone and to people who haven't read the book, they will never understand the true value of the swing set.
UPDATE: This scene was filmed and is included in the DVD extended version.

Obviously, this film is made to mainly focus on the romance between Gus and Hazel but this results in less Isaac. You don't get to see the true friendship between Isaac and Augustus, you just see what happens when Hazel is there. Also, you don't get to see him truly struggle with his new blindness and the kindness of his friendship. His best friend had just died and yet he is trying to be strong, it focuses on Hazel's sadness but doesn't show the pain Isaac has to go through too.

Peter Van Houten
Everyone who has seen the film and read the book knows that this guy is a real douche pants but his true douchiness was not brought out very well in the film. Yes, the actor was good and there is no fault to him or his acting but to the script. In my opinion, his dialect and actions were not as mean as they were in the book to make us really hate him. I don't know if they had to tone it down because the film is a 12A or they thought it wasn't appropriate but I felt he should have been meaner.
A film if never going to be perfect if you've also read the book, but for what it is worth, this film did pretty well.

Jonna x

Thursday 1 January 2015

Nice to Meet You!


So a good thing to start off with is my name, I'm Jonna Rogers. Let's get this out of the way now... My name is pronounced as Yonna because my name isn't English, but my parents didn't think to change it.

You may have caught there that I am from the great country of tea, which however I do not like. Unlike what most people expect from any British person I do not have a fancy posh accent and meet with the Queen every week. I'm from that other place in England that isn't London! Wow, that really exists?! Yes, there is more places than London, like Manchester, in which I live.

My interests, I would say, are quite a strange combination. This ranges from cheesy X Factor boybands and many, many YouTubers. Speaking of YouTubers I have an unhealthy obsession with two British emo guys named Dan and Phil. I'm basically a professional fangirl est 2008.

I also love video games especially Nintendo. I've got some kind of weird obsession with it, it probably goes back to when i was younger and got my first DS (DS Lite) and ever since I have always saved up to get the newest model of the DS. Well apart for the 2DS but that thing shouldn't have been allowed to enter the Nintendo Family.
So that's basically me in a nutshell.
Thanks for reading, if you wanna check me out anywhere else:


                           Jonna x